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April 2005
SRF Switzerland
SRF 10vor10

Dutch emigration

Since the murder on film director Theo van Gogh suddenly a new wave of Dutch citizens that want to emigrate to countries like Canada and Australia occurs. The motives: the Netherlands becomes to full, there is too much tension in society and a better economical perspective abroad.

It is a momentum just like the period after the Second world War, when many Dutch emigrated to the same countries, looking for adventure and a new start.

The reportage program ’10 vor 10’ from the Swiss public TV broadcaster Schweizer Fernsehen wants to transmit a reportage about the new Dutch emigration wave.

A Dutch family that is ready to emigrate to Canada is portrayed, a scientist from the Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute, an emigration consultant are interviewed and an information meeting for Dutch people planning to emigrate is filmed.

For this background reportage Featurez proposed the story idea, did the research, set-up and planning, did the direction and interviews, organised historical footage from the Dutch first emigration wave and organised and accompanied the satellite transfer of the video footage.
