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January 2009
SRF Switzerland

Strict policy for Amsterdam red light district

It turns out that many of the window brothels, coffee shops, tourist- and fast food shops in the Amsterdam red light district will have to close to fight crime in the prostitution branch lessen the backpackers and to attract more wealthy tourists. Final decisions are already planned to be taken by the council in June this year.

In a 10 minute reportage with the titel ‘Rotlight Aus’ (Red lights off) produced by filming reporter Thomas von Grönigen, the chairman of the red light district employers lobby organisation gives a tour through the area. He is not amused: ‘The arrogant administration is shoving the new policy down our throats, destroying the traditional Amsterdam red light district culture.’

A threatened coffee shop owner, window renter and prostitute, and some locals give their views and the mayor is interviewed about the new strict policy for the Amsterdam red light district.

For this reportage for the program Rundschau, Featurez gave advice, did the research, set-up, planning and accompanied the filming and did some of the interviews.
