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June 2010
SRF Switzerland
SRF 10vor10

Dutch national elections: budget cuts and innovation

Since the expected budget cuts is the main issue in the Dutch national elections, the Europe correspondent from the Swiss public TV channel Schweizer Fernsehen travels to the Netherlands to see how the Dutch copes with the economic crisis.

Innovation and durability seems to be the key words. Some interesting existing Dutch brands like TomTom and Bugaboo and new products from the yearly Dutch innovation top 100 pass in review.

A scientist of the Dutch Agricultural University of Wageningen shows a newly developed fish that is similar to the endangered tuna fish, and the owner of a fish farm show how animal and environmental friendly fish is produced on land.

For this background for the program ’10 vor 10′ reportage Featurez gave advice, research, booked hotel rooms, did the set-up, planning and accompanied the filming.
