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July 2018

Artificial oyster banks

In the face of the desertification of the seabed, World Wildlife Fund, the Wageningen Marine Research Centre and other parties are trying to return flat oysters on artificial 3D printed oyster banks in the North Sea. These molluscs would help strengthen the seabed and bring back the rest of the flora and fauna, such as small fish, rays and sharks.

In recent years, a number of studies have been completed on the conditions under which reintroduction of the flat oyster in the North Sea can be carried out successfully. A number of reintroduction projects are already taking place.

With scientists and WWF staff ARTE reporter Antoine Mouteau visits the part of the North Sea where the flat oysters have been spread to see how they develop.

For this reportage Featurez did the filming, the audio and sound, booked a rental car and did the driving.
