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May 2016

100 years Amsterdamse School

One of the most famous Dutch architectural styles is the Amsterdam School (Amsterdamse School), and 2016 marks the 100 years anniversary of the moment the distinctive style began to transform the face of Amsterdam and the lives of the people within it.

Buildings of the Amsterdam School are characterized by brick construction with complicated masonry with a rounded or organic appearance, relatively traditional massing, and the integration of an elaborate scheme of building elements inside and out: decorative masonry, art glass, wrought ironwork, spires or “ladder” windows (with horizontal bars), and integrated architectural sculpture. The aim was to create a total architectural experience, interior and exterior.

Entire neighbourhoods in the Dutch capital from the 1910s and 1920s were built in this style, with the Grand Hotel Amrâth as the most visible example in downtown Amsterdam.

For this news reportage Featurez booked a rental car, did the driving, the filming and audio.
