
Featurez is an Amsterdam based reportage- and documentary production company.

For over 30 years Featurez offers a wide variety of journalistic-, fixer-, and production-services to international TV broadcasters, production houses, newspapers, NGO’s and companies.

Featurez.com is always standing by to offer top quality media services.


Recent Productions

For an American documentary produced by Shareen Anderson from the production company Fort Greene Filmworks accompaniment of filming in the center of Amsterdam is needed at short notice. Shareen Anderson is an award-winning filmmaker who combines her love of filmmaking with a passion for culture,... Read More
The second episode of the Dutch documentary Legal Weed (in Dutch Legale Wiet) from documentary maker Frans Bromet, transmitted by the Dutch public TV broadcaster KRO/NCRV, is the winner of De Groene Griffel (the Green Stylus) Cannabis Industry Award for the best 2024 media production.... Read More
For a 30 minute documentary about a famous Japanese sportsperson filming needs to take place in the Netherlands. For this two vans and two drivers are needed for the sportsperson, people that accompany the sportsperson and for a large crew. For the rest general assistance... Read More

